Educational Publications

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Ranch Employee Safety: Working Cattle and Related Facilities and Equipment

by Noble Research Institute and U.S. Roundtable For Sustainable Beef

Agriculture is the seventh most hazardous industry in the United States. As a ranch owner/operator, you are aware of these hazards and risks. You want to create a work environment that is as safe as possible and that minimizes injuries so you and your workers can go home safely at the end of the day. This Ranch Employee Safety module provides information related to reducing hazards and risks associated with working beef cattle and will help entrepreneurs like you plan an effective cattle-working safety program.

Printed Books

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Common Aquatic Vegetation in the Southern Great Plains

by Steven G. Smith and William A. Moseley

Aquatic vegetation is an important part of the ecosystem. Aquatic vegetation has both positive and negative attributes, but it is up to the manager to determine what role aquatic vegetation plays in relation to their goals or objectives. If management of aquatic vegetation is deemed necessary, choosing the appropriate method is essential. This book assists managers in making correct management decisions by providing the most basic need: proper identification.

Grasses of the Great Plains: A Pictorial Guide

by Russell L. Stevens and Chuck R. Coffey

The book features detailed color photographs and information on 116 different grass species that are the most likely to be encountered in the Great Plains. This book is part of a series of plant identification publications.

High Tunnel Hoop House Construction Guide

by Steve Upson

This publication is the product of 17 years of experience in hoop house (high tunnel) design, construction and utilization. This guide will introduce the novice grower/ hoop house builder to the various tools and techniques used in constructing a wide range of hoop house models. The various guidelines in the guide are applicable to both prefabricated commercial structures as well as homemade structures. Photo examples are included in the guide.

Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines: A Pictorial Guide

by Russell L. Stevens and Chuck R. Coffey

This book is ideal for farmers, ranchers, wildlife and plant enthusiasts and other landowners who have a need to identify trees, shrubs and woody vines. This 138-page, full-color pictorial guide enables the reader to easily and accurately identify woody plants in the area.

White-Tailed Deer: Their Foods and Management in the Cross Timbers

by Michael D. Porter, Steve Demarais, Fred C. Bryant and Kenneth L. Gee

This book addresses fundamental white-tailed deer management in the Cross Timbers and Prairies eco-region of Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas with an emphasis on deer food habits. Most of the information applies to deer management in other areas as well. The majority of the book summarizes a collaborative deer food habits and physiology research project between Noble Research Institute and Texas Tech University. This book features detailed color photographs and information for 104 different plant species, which helps managers, biologists and others interested in deer or plants learn more about the plants important to white-tailed deer.